Well-Known Member
I decided to buy a small runabout as I'm contemplating the future of whether to sell the Z so I bought this little Suzuki splash cheap as chips on the juice & only £30 road Tax!
Decided to service it today as its picking up a misfire from a cold start (plugs) but the weather was determined to have a go so had to improvise working under cover (who said you can't fix or try in my case to fix cars in the rain!) so going back to previous comments in a post which were I believe aimed at my credibility in fixing cars etc I just realised after over 40 yrs of being a handyman part time builder part time mechanic jack of all trades I must give the impression to certain shall we say more qualified elitist owners on here I am seriously lacking in any basic knowledge of mechanical knowhow despite attending tech college for 4 yrs & also taking further industrial courses on heavy duty electrical systems hydraulics & general mechanical fitting so I will concede to those members opinions & admit I'm totally shit at fixing anything so here Endeth the first lesson Amen!
I must remember to try & clear the Garage out as some joker has filled it with tools probably doesn't know one of a spanner from another!
Decided to service it today as its picking up a misfire from a cold start (plugs) but the weather was determined to have a go so had to improvise working under cover (who said you can't fix or try in my case to fix cars in the rain!) so going back to previous comments in a post which were I believe aimed at my credibility in fixing cars etc I just realised after over 40 yrs of being a handyman part time builder part time mechanic jack of all trades I must give the impression to certain shall we say more qualified elitist owners on here I am seriously lacking in any basic knowledge of mechanical knowhow despite attending tech college for 4 yrs & also taking further industrial courses on heavy duty electrical systems hydraulics & general mechanical fitting so I will concede to those members opinions & admit I'm totally shit at fixing anything so here Endeth the first lesson Amen!

I must remember to try & clear the Garage out as some joker has filled it with tools probably doesn't know one of a spanner from another!