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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
Western Spain and Costa de la Luz
Well, the expression - "If you cannot take the heat get out of the kitchen" - is most apposite towards the end of this week.
Our government met office here (AEMet) is never too far off the mark, especially when not predicting too far ahead.
The forecast for the end of this week includes amber alerts for our area, with afternoon temps expected to be in low forties.
Now, that's pretty toasty even for the likes of us who have been here a while and take it in our stride, so to speak.
We expect August to have mid thirties.

Fortunately, getting out of the kitchen is an option for us, with a holiday home down South, and daughter and family in Madrid.
If neither appeals, then we can clear off for a few days to wherever, in Spain, takes our fancy, we can book into somewhere with vacancies at a moments notice, and head off, in RCZ or 5008 (air cond on) eating up the kms aiming at a cooler location.

Or, we can adopt a bunker mentality, with house air cond, and lots of cooling liquid (not too much water!) and sit out the toasty weather.
First thing in the morning, feels quite cool - only in mid to upper twenties - so a couple of hours of odd jobs, before it gets a bit cosy.

Incidentally, but totally RCZ related, when the garage rang and said bring the car in to go over it, paintwise, it had been sitting outside, and it was now mid afternoon.
Off wife went in the 108, for me to follow on, and for us to return in it.
La Gata Negra is, yep, black or near as damn it.
You know what happens when a black car sits in the sun,
Our sun after midday is a tad powerful and the interior of the RCZ was an oven, me not having deployed a shade.
Started her up and air cond on full.
The steering wheel could just be managed with finger tips, but unfortunately the gear knob top is metal and I had a burnt right palm by the time I reached the garage, under two kms drive.
Learn the hard way, so shade will be used more; if I remember the pain!

Wot I wrote earlier:
