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Thinking fuel



See very often queries on fuel types and the pros and cons of supermarket v H O fuel and it always makes me wonder if too many people are too quick to blame fuel for sluggish, hesitant, rough engine feelings etc etc...
Been running company cars all my life, my own and fleets both petrol and diesel...all usually well over 100k miles .made me ponder..always used cheapest fuel ,as per most company policies and cant say despite the average fleet vehicle being crawled about towns and thrashed up and down gears and motorways, I have never had a fuel quality issue .,in fact most cars and vans, both run of the mill and prestige go back to the auctions with healthy high mileage.
..I think a lot is psychological, ( if you believe in ghosts ,you'll usually see one ) and yes I do use Shell VP in my 200 just in case I get another couple of gee gees, and its local, but does it make any difference ? dunno ? I tried both in my fleet car and could never tell either.
All in all, if its an engine " hick -up " its more likely to be other issues before fuel IMO
Anyhow, whatever you do, enjoy your Z
Just my thoughts on a bored evening :sleeping-yellow: