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The magic car that keeps stacking up bills and refuse to run...


Oct 28, 2022
Reaction score
Sweden, Norrfjärden
Regarding if I would recommend anyone to buy a Peugeot RCZ, the answer is a clear and restounding no!

This used to be my dream car, then I went and saved up and bought one. (10 times more expensive than anything on 4 wheels I purchased prevously)
Let me say the experience has not been optimal, in fact it has been an neverending nightmare that is anywhere close of being over.
I got the 2012 156bhp (5fv version) for around 12000 euro,
since than I have put way more than the purchase amount in delusional hopes of ever getting this horrorshow to run.
Last attempt engine was dissassembled to a pile of junk and then blasted with nutshells and cleaned out along with the usual pile of parts exchanged.
(New sock on the exhaust, lambda sensors, ignition coils, spark plugs, engine computer unit was wiped and reprogrammed with the original software)
Reason for the sandblasting, or nutshell blasting to be precise, the engine gunked up with some crap like a mix between tar and concrete.)
No exhaust values would be close of making it through the yearly car inspection and bitchsmacking me with the eternal forbidden to drive papers...

They literally greeted me by numberplate and first name last visit to the car inspection, they even registered me at the touch screen login and gave me a cup of coffee with looks of compassion - all 5 of the personnell!
Can you even start to imagine how many times I have had repairs done and visited them for this occurrance?
I really want you to reflect over this for a moment...

From a RCZ fan to this car has crushed my soul to the mindboggling degree I'll never know if I will get back up on my feet like a normal human being again?
(Not to mention I am in the proverbial a-hole of the loan trap at almost 20k euro that I literally have nothing but a crushed soul and broken heart to show for it all.)

This piece of... car just lit the engine fault message, engine light, along with driving like a rodeo clown would get an orgasm out of.
Unfortunately my only venture in to clowning that I am embarrassingly aware of is buying my dream RCZ car and getting pot committed and going down worse than I ever have in any tournament poker game buy bazillion times.

This might be helpful for future RCZ buyers,
sort of a roadmap of what to expect and the level of buyers satisfaction coming along with my personal reality.

Mind the cheap additional costs is not full price, on the contrary, these figures are a pure happy number derived from knowing a bunch of car mechanics, shop owners, rally drivers, speedway garage guys, dragster drivers/mechanics, yankee car afficionadios, bosses of two different peugeot shops, members in my shooting sports clubs working mechanics asf Personally I'm like Manolo in faulty towers when it comes to cars - I know nothing! Also purchased extra warrantees asf. So these figures displays pure rebated car parts, not even a flack of beer is counted in to the above sums.

They gathered and said I need an intervention, they told me to go to the nearest car shop and take the loss and tell'em I'll swap even for A N Y T H I N G O N W H E E L S - like their GARBAGE CAN! (Literal quote)

Well I tried keeping it at the brightest notes possible so I wont dive in to the s-pile. Just give our future mates a heads up, I think it might save lifes?

Like holy crepe dudes, is it only my RCZ that is the peak of unreliable diarrhea?

Anyhows, just my reality and before anyone gets one of these and gets his/her soul sucked out and shat out in the darkest pits of Mordor - I just wanted to give a fair upwrite of the best case scenario so you can choose/screw with confidence! (Quoting the Verge's PC build.)

May the force be with you,


Active Member
Oct 19, 2019
Reaction score
It sounds like you bought a lemon.

It also sounds like you need to find a good garage and not keep taking it back to the same garage that haven't been able to fix the car.


Oct 28, 2022
Reaction score
Sweden, Norrfjärden
It sounds like you bought a lemon.

It also sounds like you need to find a good garage and not keep taking it back to the same garage that haven't been able to fix the car.
Yo mate,

Living far up the desolate North of Sweden (=pitchblack time of year) drove to my parents and on the way back it broke down... again
An 15min return drive took +1hr 45mins averaging engine stops and between 5-30km/h. Some drunkards stumbling home from the local pub (Kalle's) helped me push it back the last kilometer and back in to the parking space. (I literally rent an extra parking space on level ground since the garage has a steep climb in/out being a old school cellar garage. And I know that 9 out of 10 drives I need to tow or push it in to the parking space.)

Thanks for your input

Appreciate your suggestions and in reply thereof,
Well besides my personel network of friends I had the piece of ... RCZ at the following shops:
Öjebyn watertower carshop
Dragsters and Extreme tuning Öjebyn
Dave & Higgus Car Electronics and Heavy machinery repair
Mekonomen Öjebyn
Peugot (Several Peugeot shops since happenstance has it club collegues own and or work at various Peugeot dealers)
Sunde's car repairs and auto tuning
The Hills Auto, Machinery and Car shop
Roknäs extreme car mod and tuning
Tractor City
Asian Cars Extreme Streetracer Tuning Roknäs
Leffeboys repairshop
Pålberget mechanics
Piteå Auto and Vehicle Service (Thrice)
New Village everything Auto Service
Allen Auto Shop
Greenburrow's Street Racing Shop
New Villages MC and Intercooler factory
Piteå CarColor and Auto Service
Norrfjärden Tire and Car shop
Börjessons däckverkstad
The Hills Car Electronics and Service shop
Härnö Cars and Car repairs
Skelleftehamn Rally Cars
Luleå Merc's
(Opus - not included but had a lot of repairs pinpointed)
(Decra- not included but had a lot of repairs pinpointed)
well just from the top of my head and besides my personal connections.
Also I got an extra insurance that launched this gem through a bunch of shops not even included above.
I kept tabs earlier and I know of 51 shops in and around this small town, 37 of forementioned had the honor of having my gem parked in their excellent car shops for long stretches of time. So their efforts along with my network of friends counted together I presume I did a decent job of diversifying the repairs all over the entire community and then some, or?

I got this 11 October so I had it around 16 months, that averages an impressive amount of walking, taxi-hiking and car towing services.
(And not particularly many miles, like a 1000 bucks average/mile not including gas :D)

We have a very famous athlete here that broke both his legs in the olympics back in the -70ies, the reporters ran up to him and the first reporters brilliant question
- "Does it hurt?"
Athlete with just broken legs:
- "Only when I laugh..."

I feel this in many regards applies to my experience of Peugeot's RCZ gem.

Now I'll log back in to AutoDoc, Trodo and the local webshops to purchase a effpile of replacement parts ranging from the gas housing to Peugeot's retarded connectors (They have a bazillion of connections and NOT TWO looks nor works the same, so not even Einstein on Smartdrugs would be able to pull all of them apart without plastic pieces flying from here to eternity needing to replace this wonderful design that learned so many mechanics colorful language.)

I dunno what to say, I loved this car since the original release and it has been my dream since the concept popped up... being a... hrmmm not wealthy dude I saved up and waited until my savings would meet the second hand prices. I don't know what level of idiot this apparantly makes me - but it has been an humbling experience, let me tell ya.

Cheezus almighty, I have always tried to be a decent person and done volunteering, art and stuff just cause it felt like payment nouf to make people happy and see this radiating from their faces. I really dunno have a clue why my car owner experiences brings on such a wrath of Karma?!? *sigh*
(My previous car was a Volvo since the general consensus/advice was that I could not go wrong with a Volvo. Then I came home with a shining Volvo S80 and discovered that it was not a Volvo at all, it was a Prototype imported from the USofA. And the repairs of odd parts until I had to scrap the same I thought was bad, I thought it was REALLY bad and nobody I know had seen anything close to the S this car took me through (their words, not mine) and along with that statement nobody could figure out what was so badly wrong with this wonderful fartotypo so I then bit the bullet and saved up and took out loan on the rest and got the Peugeot RCZ... *making hand signs POOOFFFF mind blown*)

I hope and pray that nobody goes through the experience I had with Peugeot RCZ, not even my worst enemy. *more sighs*
This effin horror-turd.....

Anyhows, I wish you the best mates
May the force be with you!
/Silverbullit the proud RCZ gem owner, former owner of a soul, sanity, an unbursted heart and a modest saving account.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2022
Reaction score
Sweden, Norrfjärden
This must be a wind up, unless it’s been submerged in the north sea for a while!
Nope, as the proud owner of this "amazing gem" I can assure you that this is rather an understatement than anything else.
I have receipts, documentation, cellphone pictures, neverending traces of emails, text messages, messenger advice, price proposals, I even have fiber optic pictures/films from stuff like when the engine clogged up with all that nasty crap and had to be yanked out and blasted clean asf
(For the love of everything holy, why does every third repair involve uncorking everything attached and yank the engine out?!?)
Theres no end to the miser... I mean happy gatherings trying to get this thing to run as far as you can throw a rock before it has total engine seizure/failure or something of the sorts.
Forgive me, hi Charlie 1875, nice of you to write in my thread no matter if you believe this or not, not exactly hard to see how come your scepticism triggered.
But it is worse than the above, far, FAR worse, I cant even begin to summarize the past 16 months because everyone around me is mindboggled and say they never heard of anything close like e v e r. More precisely the mechanics and shops that tried to pet this gem in to loving working shape. I have come to understand that there probably is not a single mechanic in my town nor the surrounding towns that does not know of my car since the mechanics know eachother and discussed possibilites what could be wrong with her and what can be tried that has not been tried and done, often repeatedly.

Usually I'm the eternal optimist and joke more the shittier things gets, but this gem has me beaten.
And I just somehow just got tired of deceiving myself as a former fan, I simply found the thought of other fans/forum mates dreaming of purchasing the RCZ to experience the same unanaesthetized disembowelment as yours truly.
So nope, this is neither a wound up nor a joke.
It is unfortunately what is known as a shitshow (My english sux, but you mates can probably decipher my hieroglyphs if you can get an RCZ to run)

Also I have not even brought up recurring issues that are unbelieavable even to a noob wannabee mechanic, there are some jaw dropping details of stuff repaired that needed to get repaired a g a i n during my 16 months of ownership.

Regarding the submerged comment...
most of the country uses salt during our modestly put icy/snowy winters that causes a lot of rust.
However up here in the farthest northern parts of Sweden the salt has been thoroughly disliked due to the rust/car wear down issues so it is rarely or not used at all with exception during certain weather and motor highways "heavily trafficked" or how to put it.
So this car is not rusted or messed up chassi-wise except of course for the usual jack spots that caved in desease plagued by the RCZ's. The inside is pristine, I took the time to put the electric seats in top condition and fix anything inside. (Well except that small roof led that shines way to bright that I have not decided if I want to dim or keep factory style)

Speaking of rust... I'm mainly in to art and somewhat recognized for my crappily welded sculptures among other things, not claiming skilled, but the plan was to fix the jack spots and strengthen certain aspects of the chassi during last summer, however the car refused to stop bouncing between car shops so not really much joyriding in this one less than time to fix stuff like the jack spots despite being one of the highest priorities during summer. Heck I've been through the car inspection so many times that they started to pity me, they are not known for being overly sensitive at trouble cars, but they know me by name and registration plate and even brings me a cup of coffe pet me on the back, look at the latest car shop bills saying everything is fixed and comfort me that sooner or later youll get it through the car inspection and running properly. Can you imagine what a disaster you have to ride in for things turning out this way, becoming good friends with the car inspection teams locally?!? It is a surrealistic reality that feels totally unreal. But no matter how many times my g/f pinches me in the arm and bitchsmacks me because I live in the garages trying to fix this disaster over having a life and give her some time, with the added bonus that the loans to fix this gem put me in the proverbial hole for probably over 10 yrs forward. So no, this is not a wind up no matter what you think my friend. I'm tired and just venting, I started to realize someghing might have finally broken inside me, my usual sunny disposition is harder to find nowadays.
Mind I dont blame you for thinking I'm pulling your leg, nobody sane would believe even the intro of what I went through with this gem. (spared everyone the deeper details, felt like overly whining.) So I certainly dont blame you for thinking I'm full of it, unfortunately I'm not and I own my dream car. Or should I rather say nightmare subscription... :/ *sigh*

Should elaborate, living in the furthest Northern part of Sweden implies dark long freezing cold winter with zubzero temperatures so you want a car you can trust. This winter I had the fortune to try and drive "gem" to a funeral (MIL) and it was minus -44C and it went as good as you can imagine, started from warm garage but it croaked half way with everything and his aunt flashing over the panel. (The Funeral was postponed since arriving the heater in the church died, the cell phone towers was down, electricity was down a.i. pitch black church, the organist was frozen in at her cottage, the priest was frozen in, the cupper landline net was down asf Next day I borrowed a "brand new" Mazda CX5 at the very last moment and got there alright then it turned out the electric heater was dead so I had to run between funeral and church to keep it from dying then leave early and the car died halfway which meant a walk in a "warm" funeral Suit for + 1 hour until I reached the first occupied house and not a single car would go out in these zubzero levels. During my walk both lenses of my glasses popped out flying, turns out theyre not glued as assumed, they are tensioned with a fishing line around a groove in the glass and the frame. It shrunk or something in the effin cold and popped off. (Funeral attire = Long sleeve T-shirt and Suit... My boss a.i. g/f had to stay over night with family and she grabbed her stuff and accidentally took my bag with extra winter clothing packed for the case of emergency) The cold had erased the chip in the key so the car concluded it was suddenly stolen at 90km/h in the wilderness... So at that moment I was not completely impressed with Mazda CX5 either.
Summary/context being you want a car you can trust here, a car that wont run around the block until it completely fails out from the shop is not so much that.
No car is reliable in the occasional extreme temperature dives but having the gem of RCZ's product line every drive is with the fear of loosing ones life getting stranded in pitch black subzero winter landscape, and thats not an analogy/metaphor/similitude/likeness but literally you don't know if you will return alive after getting run over by a colon of semitrailers with dirty headlights or frozen like a popsicle on the side of the road or simply run over since the gem/RCZ is small, white (snow camouflage?) and invisible over the never cut down snow banks. Sorry for the long rant but just to put some context in the situation, it feels like "Buy a Peugeot RCZ and die horrible in pitch black dark getting run over by a colon of studded tires under semi trailers half frozen to death. Certain death guaranteed..." this is what it feels like and the context of local reality.)

It is like in the Matrix, choose between the red and the blue pill. Like a dummy I took the red pill ("discovering reality") buying the RCZ dream - instead of the blue viagr... I mean the "blissful ignorance" pill just living the dream.
A less bright choice in my unfortunate experience.

May the force be with you mates,
/Silverbullit the owner of the gem
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Active Member
Mar 10, 2023
Reaction score
Didn’t mean to joke about it but it seems you have a pup! these cars aren’t particularly difficult to repair and get running properly, and when they are running properly they are nice to drive whichever variant you have.

agreed you have had a nightmare with it.


Oct 28, 2022
Reaction score
Sweden, Norrfjärden
Cool mate, I did not take offense. (My english sux so the language barreer and Swedish dark humor might clash)
Anyhows developed Rhino skin sinse the dawn of the RCZ ownership, if people ran past me on fire I probably would not even look at wuzz happening 🙄
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Regarding if I would recommend anyone to buy a Peugeot RCZ, the answer is a clear and restounding no!

This used to be my dream car, then I went and saved up and bought one. (10 times more expensive than anything on 4 wheels I purchased prevously)
Let me say the experience has not been optimal, in fact it has been an neverending nightmare that is anywhere close of being over.
I got the 2012 156bhp (5fv version) for around 12000 euro,
since than I have put way more than the purchase amount in delusional hopes of ever getting this horrorshow to run.
Last attempt engine was dissassembled to a pile of junk and then blasted with nutshells and cleaned out along with the usual pile of parts exchanged.
(New sock on the exhaust, lambda sensors, ignition coils, spark plugs, engine computer unit was wiped and reprogrammed with the original software)
Reason for the sandblasting, or nutshell blasting to be precise, the engine gunked up with some crap like a mix between tar and concrete.)
No exhaust values would be close of making it through the yearly car inspection and bitchsmacking me with the eternal forbidden to drive papers...

They literally greeted me by numberplate and first name last visit to the car inspection, they even registered me at the touch screen login and gave me a cup of coffee with looks of compassion - all 5 of the personnell!
Can you even start to imagine how many times I have had repairs done and visited them for this occurrance?
I really want you to reflect over this for a moment...

From a RCZ fan to this car has crushed my soul to the mindboggling degree I'll never know if I will get back up on my feet like a normal human being again?
(Not to mention I am in the proverbial a-hole of the loan trap at almost 20k euro that I literally have nothing but a crushed soul and broken heart to show for it all.)

This piece of... car just lit the engine fault message, engine light, along with driving like a rodeo clown would get an orgasm out of.
Unfortunately my only venture in to clowning that I am embarrassingly aware of is buying my dream RCZ car and getting pot committed and going down worse than I ever have in any tournament poker game buy bazillion times.

This might be helpful for future RCZ buyers,
sort of a roadmap of what to expect and the level of buyers satisfaction coming along with my personal reality.

Mind the cheap additional costs is not full price, on the contrary, these figures are a pure happy number derived from knowing a bunch of car mechanics, shop owners, rally drivers, speedway garage guys, dragster drivers/mechanics, yankee car afficionadios, bosses of two different peugeot shops, members in my shooting sports clubs working mechanics asf Personally I'm like Manolo in faulty towers when it comes to cars - I know nothing! Also purchased extra warrantees asf. So these figures displays pure rebated car parts, not even a flack of beer is counted in to the above sums.

They gathered and said I need an intervention, they told me to go to the nearest car shop and take the loss and tell'em I'll swap even for A N Y T H I N G O N W H E E L S - like their GARBAGE CAN! (Literal quote)

Well I tried keeping it at the brightest notes possible so I wont dive in to the s-pile. Just give our future mates a heads up, I think it might save lifes?

Like holy crepe dudes, is it only my RCZ that is the peak of unreliable diarrhea?

Anyhows, just my reality and before anyone gets one of these and gets his/her soul sucked out and shat out in the darkest pits of Mordor - I just wanted to give a fair upwrite of the best case scenario so you can choose/screw with confidence! (Quoting the Verge's PC build.)

May the force be with you,
Sounds a complete one-off car to me ?? Your garage makes me laugh…What toy town are they in ? Clearly don’t know a gudgeon pin from a leaf spring !! I’ve had two RCZ’s collectively with over 175,000 miles with absolutely no issues what so ever apart from a thirst for tyres lol 😂 So have faith RCZ road runners…as long as you maintain them well that’s the key.