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Leather dash etc

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Lets be honest, without taking this thread off topic, there is certainly a touch of snobbery or braggery (if theres such a word) on this site.
I've been on here for about 12 months and I picked up on this from the very start. :eusa-think:
Coming from a working class council background it did niggle me for a while, but now I just laugh at it. :lol:

As my oldman would say whilst dressed in his string vest ,scratching his arse and eating his eggs & chips, "You are driving a bloody Peugeot, a bit of spit and polish will do the job just fine". :lol:


Active Member
Jun 5, 2010
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East Riding of Yorkshire
My god, it doesn't matter what car you drive, i've always tried to look after my cars regardless. Didn't always get it right in the beginning but I tried.

Jactac, I don't know if your comments are aimed at me, but if you knew me, you would know that I'm the least snobbish person that ever walked the earth and as for bragging, that just isn't me. I keep myself to myself. My husband says I'm so deep that my feet are in Australia! I'll also tell you that I am from one of the most well known council estates in the country were life was very tough but I'm proud to say that's my roots and I've made a little something of my life despite that. Anything I have I've saved hard for, nothing on credit, so I would say I'm entitled to enjoy my things and I don't spend a fortune in the bargain, despite what you and others may think !

Sorry for the rant but the subject is close to my heart and I'm passionate about my roots.


My comments are not aimed at you, just go back and see threads from the past where some members go on about their earnings and expensive cars sitting on their drives !
I just feel that sometimes cheaper products are fobbed off just because they are cheap and "good enough" for some members.

I bet you dont have a string vest even though you're from a council estate, prove it get some pics on here :lol:


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Jun 5, 2010
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East Riding of Yorkshire
Yes I must confess that a string vest did once belong in my wardrobe. Stems back to the 80s and Kajagoogoo days ;). That ages me a little :)


RCZ1 said:
Yes I must confess that a string vest did once belong in my wardrobe. Stems back to the 80s and Kajagoogoo days ;). That ages me a little :)

I saw Kajagoogoo live at the Mayfair club in Swansea many many moons ago. Me and my mate were the only fellas there :oops:

We both took out a pact not to mention it to the rest of our gang :lol:


jactac said:
My comments are not aimed at you, just go back and see threads from the past where some members go on about their earnings and expensive cars sitting on their drives !
I just feel that sometimes cheaper products are fobbed off just because they are cheap and "good enough" for some members.

I bet you dont have a string vest even though you're from a council estate, prove it get some pics on here :lol:

I think it's more that you have a chip on your shoulder to be honest mate. Just as you have watched what you call bragging and snobbery your own chip shines through in your posts. You also make a lot of assumptions incorrectly about people and then get personal when crossed. I wonder if a little introspection would be if benefit......

I also don't recall anyone discussing how much money they make on here, although if I missed it stand to be corrected with a link to a post.

As far as my Pug is concerned I could not be more delighted with it and I am one of these people with other vehicles as well. I don't look down on any other car owner (with the exception of the terribly tacky Civic..... :D ) and I admire the dedication to car valeting that others seem to have. Not for me as I am to damn lazy!


No chip on my shoulder, and I'm not your m8, we would definitely not socialise in the same circles :lol:

What I do have is a big big big dislike for t****** who brag.

Strange how my comments on bragging have rattled your ivory cage once again, when no names were mentioned . :eusa-think:

Best that we leave this thread on the topic that it was intended for, you have your opinions and I have mine, and believe me, thankfully they are worlds apart, :!:


jassyo06 said:
your ownership experience with the civic must have been an early one??as all cars that are produced first off the line are subject to gremlins i had very late 58 plate off the civic production line i had totall faultless ownership but they are 2 different uncomparable cars in 2 different catergory's
Off Topic..... So no need for a reply.
Please remember this statement, as I sure will, when you are next criticising the RCZ


jassyo06 said:
Totall Snobery i can tell you my rcz is as good looking inside and out as any you do all sorts of makes of cars i dont thats your living and also in your best interest to do so to your very best :thumbup: your mind set is then different to the NORMAL rcz owner who really cannot know the difference and has no reason too i have been on 3 forums in totall 6 years where all owners of each forum have been blinded and somewhat fooled into the state of mind that the best products cost the most but and it has nothing to do with the application/removal of the products that they apply as long as you buy them this is not the cASE THE ONLY WAY YOU LEARN IS BY TRIAL AND ERROR JUST LIKE ALL THINGS IN LIFE you do not buy expensive products then apply for perfect results without experience and good hard work

Thank you for reply now to try and get thread back on topic me snobbery in anyway I am not, and as far as expensive products go I agree in ways there are certain products that are better and do cost more. I currently have 8 different waxes on my car on test now the results will interest some I am sure and the differences can be seen in the videos I also have a plastic dressing on the van which I will put video up now and if any plastic dressing you use can stand up to this much abuse I will be shocked.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR7LjG7i ... IzWXJeDaQ=

other videos on my channel

As for cheaper products there are some very good ones a few from autosmart I will recommend to people as they do great job on a budget people who come to my open day will see both sides of the market what is a problem at the moment in the car market is a lot are rebranding the same product with a colour or smell change only.

You are right it’s in my best interest to keep all my customers happy and I really do take pride in my work. :thumbup:

Now as this was a leather thread my comment still stands this has nothing to do with snobbery but I use the leather products I do as some of the cheaper ones can cause damage. But other products I have no problem recommending cheaper alternatives to.




Active Member
Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score
East Riding of Yorkshire
Right I think this has gone far enough. No more entries in this thread other than those relating to the original topic of leather cleaners.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2010
Reaction score
East Riding of Yorkshire
Now guys this really has gone far enough. You are outside of the forum rules. Anymore and you will both be banned for a period of time. You have been warned.
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