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An Oldie but Goodie



Man goes into a bar and asks for a pint of Carlsberg.

Barman puts it on the bar when this Monkey suddenly swings down, grabs the pint and starts drinking it in the corner.

"Did you see that ?" gasps the man. "Who owns that Monkey ?"

Barman points to the pianist. Man goes over to the pianist and says:

"Do you know your Monkey drank my pint ?"

Nope, but you start singing it and I'll join in !!


Re: International Custom ! !s

Reading through the revelations of the recently released Wikileak disclosures on the Web,regarding attitudes of nations against nations, I was surprised with the following :
The Afghans dont watch the Flintsones, but the Abu Dhabis do ! !




Puns from Tim Vine's Joke Book as published in daily paper:

So, I was in the jungle and I saw this monkey with a tin-opener. I said "You don't need a tin-opener to peel a banana." He said "I know, it's for the custard."
I said to the furniture salesman "I can't decide whether to buy this bed or not." He said "Do you want to sleep on it?" I said "Of course I do!"
Do you know that 30% of car accidents in Sweden involve a moose? I say, don't let them drive!
Meneep...meneep...thatsallfolks! :lol: