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Personal messages security ?



After recent events it is clear that a moderator/administrator can easily access a members account / profile, and then ammend / delete their profile settings.
If this access is possible how much further can a moderator or likewise use their "power" within a members account ?
Can he/she read personal messages that are saved in an account or sent between members ?
Once a moderator has gained access to a members account surely they can then read personal messages ?

Please could this point be clarified, as I'm sure most members would not want their personal messages being read by someone who it was not intended for.


To clarify;

The roles of admin and moderators are slightly different but for the sake of simplicity I will assume they are one and the same.

We have the ability to edit/modify/delete anything publicly visible. We can do this as it allows us to delete spam, and other content which is against the forum rules and is essential for the running of this forum. This also allows us to assist users posting avatars etc etc.

We cannot see password and therefore cannot access accounts to read personal messages. Personal messages can however be read if the recipient or sender reports the message, in which case this is emailed to us. Only reported messages can be read and therefore all other entries in your inbox/outbox cannot be read.

I hope this clarifies thing. More information can be found in our terms and conditions or if you wanted specific details I'm sure these can be answered on the phpbb forum.

If you or anyone feels there account has been breached please pm me and I will investigate.



Hi Jactac,

Having several forums myself (some are big), I can tell you that there is no 100% secure personal message. While admin and moderator cannot access your personal message or password, the site owner can still go to the database and read your private information if he / she want.

I don't do that, but I know it is possible / accessible. So, anything really personal, don't keep it in the pm of a forum.


For peace of mind, I am the only one with database access. I did not know it was possible, would not know how to, and cannot think of any reason why I would want to. Additionaly, given the way the data is stored and retrieved I doubt you could just open a single account without going through thousands of messages to find the message you are after.

If this is the case and you're worried, I would suggest not using the pm function.


Thankyou again Tony.
Its reassuring to know it's just yourself that can access such information.