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One month on.



Well my 156 GT is coming up to her first month and has completed just on 900 miles so thought I'd post some thoughts about my experience so far.

I have had no bad experiences, no technical problems and I still smile at the thought of getting in the driving seat! The engine is sweet and very willing, the brakes are awesome and I have no complaints about the build quality. Everyone I speak to say what a beautiful car she is and a friend of mine with a TT grudgingly admitted that the RCZ was 'solid' and to top it all I can easily fit the two kids in the back for the school run (9 & 13).

I'm 46 and everyone is suspecting that I'm experiencing a bit of a middle age crisis but I think I just fell for the good looks!

I've seen one other RCZ where I live (Folkestone) and this rarity is another attractive thing about the car. I'm sure though that the roads will begin to fill with these beauties once the secret is out of the bag.

The only thing I'm finding difficult is keeping the black paintwork clean :)

Keep up the good work,



46 you have some catching up to me then- mine must bee a twylight crisis.