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Company Car In Action Millbrook 2010



Hi all had a lovely day and saw more RCZ's on the road then I will again, unless we do a drive out? I managed to get in the 163 Diesel GT and over the Alpine course realized how gutsy the engine is. LOVELY! I screwed up my booking and missed the slot for the 200, damn so no comparison there I'm afraid.
Any how the Pro Driver on the Skoda RS, which seemed better on the handling circuit than the Lexus ISF! Was a launch driver of the RCZ. He stated it is a very good handling car and I will be more than happy with the 163 but he also said that the Sport on 18 inchers and the dealers pre order/spec confusions on GT's are superior.
His opinion on test drive reviewers is that they have to say something so knocking the handling of the Diesels is easy but unjustified. :wave: