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Child car seat



Has anyone tried to fit a child car seat in the back? I went to Halfords and tried to buy a Maxi Cosi Isofix Group 1 car seat but even with the passenger seat as far forward as it would go and the top of the seat pushed as far forward as it would go the car seat wouldn't even get in the back let alone try and fix it to the Isofix points.
The handbook recommends the Romer Duo Plus, which I think is a Britax one but before I try and buy one (cos I can only find them online) has anyone else got one and did it fit OK?


I've fitted a maxi cosi and you're right it's very tight. But yes the passenger seat goes all the way forward, seat back is tilted all the way forward. Now the tricky part (for me at least trying to explain it). But from what I remember I had to slide in the either the child seat back or the child seat base in through the top most gap behind the headrest of the passenger seat. Once this is through then it should be possible to rotate the remainder of the child seat in.


My daughter is 4 years and sits in a Britax Romer Kidfix 15Kg to 36Kg Group 2-3 about £105 from Teasco, if they still do it.
It bends so it can be fed into the back easily so it's straight and then can be folded back.
It's Isofix and is a WHICH best buy. The video they show will shock the bejeezas out of you.
It's a great seat so much so we bought another.
Keep them safe get one of the best!