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  1. RCZ-Fan

    GUIDE: Updating the firmware, maps and installing risk areas (RADARs) on NG4

    Super, danke vielmals. Lade es gerade herunter. Kann ich dir die datei irgendwie senden, damit Du die hier auch wieder hochlden kannst? Dann haben alle was davon. Lieben Gruß
  2. RCZ-Fan

    GUIDE: Updating the firmware, maps and installing risk areas (RADARs) on NG4

    Servus, wann gibt es ein Karten Update für das NG4, für das Jahr 2024? Hi, is a Map Update for NG4 aviable, 2024?
  3. RCZ-Fan

    GUIDE: Updating the firmware, maps and installing risk areas (RADARs) on NG4

    Servus miteinander, hier mal die aktuellen Radar/Blitzer Febrauar 2024 Anleitung gibt es hier
  4. RCZ-Fan

    GUIDE: Updating the firmware, maps and installing risk areas (RADARs) on NG4

    Servus. SD Card 32 GB Cluster 64 and full formated. No Chance. It doesn't work.. i extrahiert the file N43 than i copy it on the Card, but no chance, that the card is startin a update
  5. RCZ-Fan

    GUIDE: Updating the firmware, maps and installing risk areas (RADARs) on NG4

    Hi, i am not able to start it. I have a 64 GB SD Card. Formatet in Fat32. But i have no chance to start Update Firmware or Update Navi Software. I am not so good in Software an Computer things. Maybe one person can helb me, to make it right?