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How To Update The RT6 System - Guide


New Member
Aug 9, 2023
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Do you have a copy of the files that were on the old SD card?
I did copy the configuration with mirascripts, but that didn't work for me as I went to a newer software. I have since managed to use mirascripts and datexplorer to restore the pop ups, and will see if I can do the other settings when I get chance.


New Member
Jul 21, 2023
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I did copy the configuration with mirascripts, but that didn't work for me as I went to a newer software. I have since managed to use mirascripts and datexplorer to restore the pop ups, and will see if I can do the other settings when I get chance.
May or may not help, but for my 3008, I copied the SD card to my pc, manually. Once I had the system up and running, I copied some of the files, in the user folder, back on to the new SD card. You may have to pick carefully what files you copy over.


New Member
Jul 1, 2023
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Hello everybody,

I just want to say thanks for sharing everything!
I have updated firmware and maps.

Everything went good except North East Eastern Europe, where it restart after 1hour or so. Same as in answer #100 from Plecodoras.
Then every time I started car I got a message "Checking in progress" and then "Please insert a navigation CD" or something like that.

I found out that memory for storing maps is full, but I didn't know how to delete maps, because there is no such option on RT6 nav.
The solution is on this link: RT6_FORMAT.CMD.txt
That is code you need to copy to mirascript.
I will write it here also if link goes down:
 * RT6_FORMAT.CMD by mira308sw
 * Format tool for Map disk /SDH
 * v01.00 17/02/2015 : first release

int    ShowNavigationQuestionScreen  ( char *txt, int *answ );
int    ShowNavigationBargraph        ( void );
int    StepBargraph                  ( char *txt, int per );
int    Format                        ( char *drive );

int    main    ( int argc,char *argv[] )
   int    answ;

   ShowNavigationQuestionScreen( "Format maps disk /SDH ?",&answ );
   if( answ==1 )
      StepBargraph( "format in progress...",50 );
      if( Format( "/SDH" )==0 )
         ShowNavigationQuestionScreen( "Format Complete!",&answ );
         ShowNavigationQuestionScreen( "Errors in Format /SDH",&answ );
   return 0;

I have done this by editing code used for Deactivation of activation code.
I have opened folder "Deactivation_of_activation_code", then folder "CMD" and then opened RT6_SETTING file with text editor.
You just need to delete whole code and copy the code from above. Also I have renamed the file RT6_SETTING to RT6_FORMAT, but that is not necessary.
Then, delete "System Volume Information" hidden folder from USB stick and copy everything from "Deactivation_of_activation_code" to USB stick.
After completing this, you can put USB stick into car and start the engine and after few minutes you will be prompted to format maps disk, just choose yes and thats it. Deleting is fast, I think less than a minute. After formating I was prompted to restart system and I have answered yes, but nothing happened. I have turned the engine off, removed USB stick and turned it on again and the maps were deleted.

After this I have successfully installed the maps that I needed.
I hope that this will help somebody with the same problem as mine.


  • RT6_FORMAT.CMD.txt
    785 bytes · Views: 2


New Member
Jul 1, 2023
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Also, I don't know where you get these maps from, but I can see that there is new 2022/2023 maps on official Peugeot site.
Does anybody have these?


New Member
Mar 8, 2023
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hi all, followed the instructions on how to replace sd card and update firmware to 2.86, seems to have worked to a degree but some things seem to be missing like vehicle settings for km to miles and i have no maps on the sat nav mode just a blank screen with the arrow

after one of the reboots on screen it was showing usb and a making a bleeping noise so i switched off and pulled the usb, i am wondering did i do this too soon and should i reinsert usb and try again

how do you know when the firmware update is complete? does it tell you?


New Member
Mar 8, 2023
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Getting somewhere now thank goodness, firmware updated, waiting on a 8gb usb flash drive coming to update nav, only thing i have lost is the grids that appear when the reverse camera comes on, any ideas


New Member
Sep 17, 2023
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Hi, I have managed to download the map updates but I have no idea what to keep on the usb to update the maps. I have the 508 RT6 unit.
I have looked at my old SD card (can't copy off it but can look at it) and there is some the same but there is a cpc or cdc folder there as well. I am at a loss on what to leave on the usb so it installs. I know about the code generator etc. Any help would be great.
Screenshot 2023-09-17 151605.png


New Member
Nov 10, 2023
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Barcelona Spain
Just updated my nav system following the guide and everything 100% so I want to say a big thank you to ALL those involved, your efforts to help others is greatly appreciated. btw I used an original firmware 2.86 cd which I am prepared to lend if anyone needs it


New Member
Sep 1, 2020
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I just wanted to update on my situation above because I have no doubt someone will have this issue and will be as desperate as I was. I managed to fix it!

The culprit is the RT6's MicroSD card. Inside the RT6 is an 8GB MicroSD card that stores the firmware. As with everything, these can become corrupt over time and fail. This causes a myriad of issues such as the RT6 crashing and rebooting, the RT6 getting stuck in a boot-loop, the RT6 saying "Checking in process" every single time you start it, the RT6 failing to upgrade firmware as mine did, etc.

The fix is simple - it needs a new MicroSD card. You first need to remove the RT6 unit from the car. I used the following YouTube video of a Peugeot 308 that has the same dashboard layout as my Peugeot RCZ (it has English captions you can enable):

Once you have the RT6 in your hands, you can follow this guide to change its MicroSD card:

How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6 - French Car Forum

I didn't do the battery disconnection procedure. I simply left the car off with the battery connected the whole time. Anyway, the RT6 does not support a MicroSD card larger than 16GB. I found a Sandisk Class 10 (high-speed) 16GB MicroSD card for €5 and went with it. You do not need to format the MicroSD card first. Just take it out of the original box and put it into the RT6. The RT6 will format it once you install firmware on it.

Now, since the MicroSD card is blank, the RT6 will start with a blank screen and the disc drive will make a noise every 30 seconds or so, as if seeking a disc. You will need to use a USB stick to flash the firmware on to the RT6. You can download the RT6 2.86 firmware from the links posted above by tianorth.

The USB stick you use must also be 16GB or smaller. Format it on a computer with the FAT32 file system. Once blank, copy over the contents of the RT6 2.86 firmware update on to it. Then, open the Windows Command Prompt in administrator mode. Note which drive letter in Windows is your USB stick (say it's E drive), then type:

del "E:\System Volume Information"

This is a hidden folder Windows creates on newly-formatted USB sticks and its presence makes the RT6 firmware update fail. As soon as you use the above command to delete the folder, unplug the USB stick from your computer and do not plug it back in (as it will re-create this folder when you plug it back in).

Insert the prepared USB stick into your car's USB port and switch on the car's engine. The RT6 will pop up and say "CRC checking media" as it reads the USB stick you plugged in. It will flash the firmware automatically. After about 15 minutes (with a new, high-speed MicroSD card, this is what it takes), you'll be sorted!

An issue you may have after you do all this, is lack of audio output from any source (Radio, AUX, Bluetooth, etc). At least this was the case for me with the JBL addon for my RCZ. The button on your steering wheel to change audio source may also not work anymore. To fix this, you need to now use the Deactivation of Activation Code files posted by tianorth above. You need to repeat the process above to prepare a USB stick with this. Namely, formatting the USB stick (16GB or smaller) as FAT32, copying the files over and then deleting the System Volume Information folder that Windows generates, using the Windows Command Prompt.

Once your USB stick is prepared, insert it into the car while the car is on and the screen will begin asking you a series of Yes or No questions. Answer No to everything until you are asked about Audio Mode. Here, for me it was currently set to 3 and I was asked if I wanted to change it to 4. For the JBL addon on your RCZ, you need to set it to 2. Just select Yes multiple times until it sets to 2 (it will cycle through values). Once set to 2, select No to continue. Again, answer No to everything again until you are asked about VMF/VCCF. Here, make sure it is set to 0. Mine was set to 1 and it asked me if I wanted to change it to 0, which I answered Yes to. Once set to 0, keep answering No until you get to the question on Maps DRM. If this is currently set to 1, answer Yes to change it to 0 and then proceed. At the end it will ask if you want to reboot. Definitely answer Yes here, as the reboot is needed to apply the settings. When the screen turns off to reboot, remove the USB stick from the car.

When your screen returns, you'll have your JBL audio as well as the steering wheel's button for audio source working again. Having set Maps DRM to 0, now allows you to install the maps and map warnings as per instructions in this thread. You can leave this setting as it is as well (no need to change it back to 1).

For reference, I found what each of the Audio Mode values represents:

0 = Normal (internal amplifier)
1 = Hi-Fi (external analogue amplifier)
2 = Hi-Fi CAN (external digital amplifier)
3 = Arkamys (internal amplifier with Arkamys DSP audio)
4 = Arkamys + Hi-Fi (external analogue amplifier with Arkamys DSP audio)

I tried 3 (the default set when I fixed my RT6) and 1. Neither worked with my JBL addon. 2 is the correct setting it seems.

Hopefully the above helps someone.
Thank you so much, you save my life bro! I had exactly same problem with the SD card corrupted, follow your instruction I could recover my RT6 with JBL amplifier function. Great advice!


New Member
Dec 2, 2023
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Hi Steven,
Did you manage to get back the grids as i have the same issue?
Getting somewhere now thank goodness, firmware updated, waiting on a 8gb usb flash drive coming to update nav, only thing i have lost is the grids that appear when the reverse camera comes on, any ideas


New Member
Dec 24, 2024
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Here is a how to guide for updating the RT6 system

These updates are for the RT6 (or RNEG) system only

The order I would do these in is
1) Firmware 1st
2) then Maps
3) then Risk Alerts
You will need at least 1 usb drive. Format to FAT32 for the car to be able to use it.

Everytime you download a zip file all files on USB have to be delete first!

Although the size of files are just below 4gb, due to the formatting process there is not enough space on a 4gb USB stick.


For the Maps you will require 1 x 8GB or greater (up to 32GB).
Link updated 1st October 2021

Extract the zip file to the USB stick so when you open the stick on PC it looks like this

One this is complete you can then update the car by plugging in to the USB socket in the arm rest storage area and following the on screen prompts.

To update the maps, but you have to do one at a time.

It takes about :- Italy -20 minutes
France - 30 minutes
Spain & Portugal - 25 minutes
Benelux - 20 minutes
UK - 20 minutes
Scandinavia - 25 minutes
Germany - 25 minutes
Middle Europe - 15 minutes
Southern Eastern Europe - 15 minutes
North East Eastern Europe - 20 minutes
North West Eastern Europe - 25 minutes
I would go for a drive whilst doing the updates (more beneficial to the car than being sat at tick over)

Then inserted the Risk Area alerts disc - a few minutes (really quick)


The ones below will probably go on a 1GB USB stick

If during the update of the maps you get a request for activation code, you can use the file Deactivation of activation code (instructions included).
Link updated 1st October 2021

This is where a 2nd USB stick is handy its only a small number of file probably less than 500kb.

The deactivation can be reversed at any time.


Risk alerts - basically about speed camera, there are monthly updates, again the size of files are small less than 4mb
Link updated 1st October 2021

This is usually one month behind current month eg if its August the latest will be July, I will probably post on forum and facebook that I have updates files!
Extract the zip file to the USB stick so when you open the stick on PC it looks like this


Firmware update – this is the 2.86 firmware, again the size of files are small less than 80mb

Link updated 1st October 2021

Extract the zip file to the USB stick so when you open the stick on PC it looks like this

I will post notification when folders are updated.

Any queries send me a PM and I will respond as soon as possible.


For those of you trying to update from 2.75 to 2.86 it might not work.

Might have to go from 2.75 to 2.80
From 2.80 to 2.86.

I will have my original disc 2.80 firmware update disc back soon.

But here you can download it from gpsunderground.com

Try this from gpsunderground.com

http://gpsunderground.com/forum/peugeot ... post237136

Post 33 is the iso file to download.

Post 40 is interesting (has to be done from disc not usb).

Hi , any chance you could make the 2.80 firmware available. The link to gpsunderground is dead. thanks !


Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
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At last I got this sorted. Easier to do if using a brand new SD card.(used a 32GB card) , burned a 2.86 version of the software and dropped in the CD. left it to run for over and hr with the engine on and it did it all by itself. Next loaded the map using a USB stick and that took around about 25 mins.